Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Healing for Damaged Emotions

As I sat to write this post, I was thinking of the song, "People Need the Lord." There is a line in that song that says, "Everyday they pass me by; I can see it in their eyes. Lonely people filled with care, headed who knows where." I'm seeing more and more people just filled with pain and suffering because they have damaged emotions. They are people just like you and me. As Casting Crowns sings, "Is there hope for every man?"

Pro 23:7
For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he...

The writer of Scripture could never have been more correct as he was right there. It is so vital that one think the right way, if he/she is to live the Abundant Life in Christ! Here lately, we've been doing a series of messages on Sunday on "Healing for Damaged Emotions," which the thought for came from a book by the same name written by David A. Seamands. Sad as it is to say, there are many, YES EVEN IN THE CHURCH, are damaged goods, if you will. But Christ came that you might have life! Christ longs to set people free. After all, he came to "seek and to save that which is lost." He wants to not only save us, but to set us free from the guilt and condemnation of the past! He wants to deliver us from the pain that so many live with each day. And it all begins in the mind.

The Victorious Christian life, which Watchman Nee said was the "Normal Christian Life," is won or lost in the mind. And so many are bound in their minds by emotions which are damaged. Perhaps the damage is due to an abusive parent or spouse [After all how can a Heavenly Father who I've not seen love and care for me, if the earthly father I have seen beats me?], or maybe an overbearing parent, or perhaps it is the false guilt of perfectionism and legalism. But you just can't seem to ever measure up in your mind and emotions to this false reality, which you have either painted for yourself or let others paint for you. Many stay condemned due to weight issues, because the media has portrayed the perfect looking person and a certain image that everyone is to strive to measure up to even though they can't. Let me let you in on a secret, "This is only a marketing ploy to get you to purchase whatever shiny thing they happen to be selling at the moment." Furthermore, if you achieved the look, you still wouldn't measure up to this fantasy, and the bar in reality keeps getting a little bit further out of reach. Many stay depressed and anxious with fear due to these same issues. The Devil then accuses the individual and assaults them into shame and condemnation, which he knows will lead to a fatalistic attitude toward life and a desire to give up and quit in the Christian race.

Rom 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service.

Rom 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

So, what is the answer to all of this? Is it even possible to be victorious in life in the day in which we live? YES! You can be victorious! The answer is to daily let the Spirit of Christ renew your mind. Present the whole you, body (physical), soul (mental/emotional), and spirit (spiritual) to the Lord. Let His healing hands touch you. Let Him heal you from the inside out. Have your mind renewed to where you can see yourself as He see you.

  • He sees you as someone He loves. John 3:16

  • He sees you as a saint and not a sinner. Ephesians 2:3-5

  • He sees you as already seated in Heavenly places. Ephesians 2:6

  • He sees you as His child. John 1:12

  • He sees you as His workmanship. Ephesians 2:10

  • He sees you as an object of His grace. Ephesians 2:8, 9

  • He see you as justified and glorified in Heaven. Romans 8:29-30

We could go on and on and on and on and on.....without end! He loves YOU! You are His pearl of great price! You are His prized possession. He wants to give you healing emotionally, so he can bring about the healing spiritually. WILL YOU LET HIM?

1 comment:

Nathan Wilkerson said...

My mom wrote me with these insights. See if you agree!

It is true that we are seeing more shattered emotions among believers. I think that we are more aware because:

Even though it is more widespread today, believers, in general, are more open and honest about their feelings. In days past, there was much stigma concerning "Christians" with emotional problems.

The lack of respect for life resulting from the legalization of abortion, physical and/or emotional abuse being hard to prove in a court of law, and ecetera has created emotional dysfunction of almost epidemic proportions. Therefore, everyone is more aware of their own brokenness as well as the brokenness of others.

Continuing along those same lines, absentee parents and latchkey kids has resulted in both parents and children being engulfed in an identity crisis. It is difficult for believers, especially kids, to know who they are in Christ if they are uncertain of who they are and what their role is in the home.

To our government and pharmaceutical companies, emotional dysfunction has become "Big Bucks Business." As a result, many believers see the ads on TV, diagnose themselves, take the medication without receiving wise, Godly, Biblical counsel, and remain entangled in the confusion of their emotions. The dysfunction becomes normal to them and gives a false comfort.

Fewer people today know what it is to be responsible for their actions. Our society tells us we deserve instant gratification and that we are not responsible for our behavior and there are no consequences for our sin. If a person has truly been saved, this is so contrary to what he/she knows to be right that their emotions are ravaged in this confusion.

We are engaged in warfare. I believe the Enemy is turning up the heat because his time is short--we are in the last days. A soldier whose emotions are tattered is of little use on the battlefield. This attack on the emotional wellbeing of believers is another tactic of Satan's to render us of no effect for the Kingdom's sake.