Ephesians 6:14 And having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Rom 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
As we continue our study on the armor of God, we see now come to one of 2 offensive weapons. The Roman Soldier had special shoes with spikes in the soles that would allow them to advance against the enemy regardless of the terrain. Paul, who is writing to the church to show them/us that they/we can win against the Principalities and Powers, encourages them to shod their feet with the gospel of peace. Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." Now, peacemakers are more than just mediators between two opposing parties. Peacemakers are people who help others to come to a peaceful resolution. The ultimate peacemakers are those who help others make peace with God through the blood of His cross. Paul wrote to the Romans that the feet of them that preach this gospel of peace are beautiful!
So how do we advance against an enemy that hates us in a rugged Christ-hating world? We do it with the Gospel of Peace. Sinful man can make peace with a Holy God through the blood of God's own Son, Christ Jesus! Christ died and shed His own blood to pay for mankind's sin. Through faith in Him, we can make peace with God, and have the peace of God in our hearts.
This week, let us advance the cause of Christ and God's Kingdom against the Principalities and Powers by sharing the good news of Jesus with someone else! Get your gospel shoes on!
Past two sermons this past week were on Evangilisim... Romans 1:15-16...says that I am not ashamed of the Gospel...but many of us are...we don't churches, but then agian it is easy to say amen then it is to talk about the Amen to a lost and dieing Generation!
The bible says that if you Love Jesus you will keep his commandments...and the one comandment Jesus gave us is to go and tell. Therefore if we choose to keep silent we do not love Jesus...we are ashamed. Infact to not tell someone about Jesus is braking all the commandments...When Jesus was asked what are the greatest Commandments...He said "to love God with all your heart and to love your neigbor....Now if your not witnessing we have determined that you are not loving God...but if you fail to warn someone about Hell and the Salvation from Hell...how much do you have to hate someone to not tell them!...I mean it is like seeing someone standing in the road and seeing a truck comming...there comes a point where I would just physicaly take them off the road...but many of us see the Truck of Hell comming down the Road toward our loved ones, our freinds...and stand watching that person going strait to Hell.
Let us not be ashamed!
Dr. Harold Hunter once said, "In our Baptist Churches, we used to win souls. Then, we got to where we would just talk about winning souls. Now, we don't even talk about it." I think he's right. But that doesn't excuse us from our Great Commission (Marching Orders) from our Commander in Chief, the Captain of our Salvation, the Lord Jesus!
Amen...as I heard other brothers say
I am not going pack up, slack up, back up, or shut up till the Lord takes me up!
I'm not going to let up, give up, or slow up till the Lord shows up! Hallelujah!
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