Well, as I sit here typing, it's officially snowing in Dickson! It's so pretty, yet it's melting as soon as it hits the ground. So too are our lives! James tells us that our lives are even as a vapor that appear for a short time and then vanish away. The snow brings refreshment and joy to the lives of many, yet it can also wreak havoc on the highways and steal joy from others. Let's strive to redeem the time that our lives might bring joy to people instead of taking away their joy! That doesn't mean that we always do exactly as everyone wants all the time, b/c we should strive ultimately to please God first and foremost. However, we should be quick to seek peace, forgiveness and reconciliation with those who do us wrong so that no root of bitterness take hold and defile everyone and everything around us! Let us display the fruit of the Spirit which is love, JOY, peace, etc... May God bless you as you live for Him!

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