The Last post was about going to the next level individually. We must move beyond the past and press on toward the future as individuals if we are going to get to the next level in life and service to the Lord and others!
Tonight, I'd like to talk about going to the next level corporately as a church. I read an article recently by a group that was advocating making their church "green" and leading them to the next level of community involvement and environmental sensitivity. While I appreciate their zeal, I'm not advocating for Parkers Creek to become the SE Dickson Co. Chapter of GreenPeace! But we can glean some things from the article. It talked about how once you achieve one level that level becomes the new threshold on which to build and opens up more opportunities for growth.
In July, the Deacons and Myself presented a long-range plan for Church Growth, which was a comprehensive approach to develop an atmosphere that is conducive to growth. It included immediate needs to be addressed as well as long-term goals. It provided flexibility so that the vision might expand as the Church expands. We gave 5 immediate goals, which were as follows:
- 1. Gather cost estimates and install a new roof on the main worship facility.
- 2. Begin the search process and hire a part-time Music Minister with proper educational background to ensure that he can assist in the further development of the music ministries of the church.
- 3. Gather cost estimates and implement the construction of additional Sunday School classrooms in the main church building to allow for immediate growth.
- 4. Gather cost estimates and develop a plan for expanding current parking capacity to allow for anticipated growth.
- 5. Develop a plan for the implementation of two Sunday morning worship services as we move toward 2012 and beyond. (To be implemented as growth dictates)
I am excited to report that we have completed 3 of those goals! We have 1. Built new classrooms for discipleship and have them already occupied! 2. We have hired Bro. Jeff Redding as Minister of Music/Youth and the choir and music ministry is growing and expanding. 3. We have gathered cost estimates on a new roof and should have it replaced in the early summer.
We are now working on steps 4 & 5, which are gathering cost estimates for parking lot expansion and exploring the option of 2 Sunday Morning worship services. We have had several weeks during January and February where we were well above 300 for worship. We are very close to having to have the choir stay up in the choir loft for the entire worship service! If and when we do go to 2 services, they will be identical services, and it will be a temporary solution.
Once we have accomplished or at least addressed these 2 remaining items, we will begin implementing other items agreed upon in the presentation of the long-range plan, which include but is not limited to the following 3 items.
- Prepare a master list of Building Maintenance items that need to be addressed or adequately planned for to ensure that our facilities are prepared to serve the needs of the church body
- · Develop expanded options for the Recreation Ministry of the church to enrich the lives of our church family and to reach new members within our community
- Explore new ministry and class options for the Sunday School programs of the church.
I look forward to the day when hundreds, if not thousands of people are coming on our campus each week for recreational activities geared toward their children! When they get here, they will experience the love of Christ from our people, hear a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and be invited to attend a worship service at the Creek ASAP!!!
We have tried to address both physical and spiritual needs for long-term growth. It is the goal of the leadership of Parkers Creek to make sure that the Body is Healthy, and that we are implementing positive changes, in God's timing, that will make it possible to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We were reminded again last night that it is ALWAYS the responsibility of the Church to make sure that the poor and needy are being cared for. We desire to have a church that is large enough and financially stable enough to minister to as many people in our community as possible, and reach as many with the Gospel as possible!
We are a work in progress at the Creek! Please stay tuned for more exciting avenues to reach people with the Gospel from our hillside as God continuously reveals more of His vision for us at the Creek! We ARE the light of the world. A city that is set on a Hill cannot be Hidden! Let us continue to shine His light to those in darkness until He returns! May God Bless! MARANATHA!
AMEN Bro! We are excited to be a part of what the Lord is doing at The Creek! Its all about HIM (JESUS)!!
Amen where there is no vision the people perish!
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