Act 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
On January 31st, we will be having "A Time of Refreshing" from the presence of the Lord! We are going to intentionally "do church" differently that day to focus on prayer and fasting. We are going to seek God and ask Him to visit us with His presence and send revival, renewal and a Harvest of Souls.
The verse mentioned above talks about the times of refreshing. Refreshing means cooling. This cool refreshment comes from the presence of the Lord. The word presence can also be translated "face." As we take time to fast and pray before the Lord, we will be asking for a time of cool refreshment that comes when He shows up.
So prepare your heart for this day. Make plans to come and participate. And bring a friend with you. This Psalmist said that when we praise the Lord, many would see it and fear and trust in Him. As we have this day dedicated to prayer and praise, we are expecting God to move and do the miraculous in our midst.
God bless you as you "Bring them in, in 2010!"
1 comment:
We are doing the same out here in Atlanta, Nathan. Definitely a year to refresh. God Bless!
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