Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts on 9/11 and the Good Ole U.S.A.

Yesterday and today, I was thinking about the horrendous act of violence perpetrated against our nation 7 years ago at the hands of Muslim Terrorists. While we aren't supposed to remind one another of that fact, they were Muslim Terrorists.

Many of you remember where you were 7 years ago when the news first got to you that a plane had flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center and then watched in horror as the 2nd plane flew into the South Tower. You realized that we were under attack and America was at war. That very night, I called a special prayer meeting at Morrison, First Baptist Church for our nation. Maybe you went to a similar meeting. The following Sunday, we saw record high attendance. But something has happened since then to the Good Ole U.S.A. We've completely forgotten, or at the least been lulled to sleep concerning what that day meant and what it ought to say to us. It should have driven us to our knees; and in many ways it did. The only problem was that we had Oprah leading an inter-faith prayer service, where Allah, the god-consciousness of the New Age, departed spirits and any other thing that happens to call itself god were validated as equals to the true and living God. As a result, here we are 7 years later, and we have Christians being maligned and made fun of by the media elites, like Keith Olberman. We've almost completely forgotten what happened (I had to search hard to find anything on TV last night about 9/11, unless you call the 9/11 Presidential Forum something pertaining to 9/11.). Can't we put politics aside for just 1 day? Anyway, It makes me cry as the Psalmist cried in Psalm 2.

Psa 2:1
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Psa 2:2
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, [saying],

Psa 2:3
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

Psa 2:4
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

They may hate us and try to destroy our character, reputation, and families; but God will ultimately get the last laugh. Jesus said they would hate us, because they hated Him. There is coming a day as the Psalmist said, when "The Wicked shall be turned into Hell and every nation that forgets God." So let us use this as a wakeup call and a call to prayer. Let us stand in the gap and make up the hedge for our great country. BTW, it's still the greatest country on earth! Let us intercede for this great land of our's! Let us pray for revival to sweep this land before the Lord returns.
Let us remember what the Lord says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face: then will I hear from Heaven; I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Let us turn this nation around and back to God one heart at a time before it's too late!


Colvin5776 said...

Amen and Amen Brother...We need to pick our head up and see what we are the prodical son had to do. We need to stop the slop and return to our Fathers house!

If this nation is to have a chance to turning back to God it will only be done when Gods people start becomming serious about getting closer to God and reaching the lost for Christ!

No matter who you are going to vote for in this election...this country will not return unless Gods people will stop eating what this world has to offer and start feasting on the things of God!

When we get back to God, we then will be in the position of streagth to be an intersor for our state and our Nation. I beilive it is possible, but are we willing?!?

Nathan Wilkerson said...