Sunday, August 17, 2008

He's in the Midst

The southern gospel group, the Bishops, used to sing a song entitled, "He's in the Midst." Well, Revelation 2:1 says, "These things saith he who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks." Christ is literally walking up and down in the midst of His churches!

If this is the case, what is he seeing as his eyelids try the hearts of those of us in His church? Does he see us meditating on pure things, Living for him, and making an impact for His Kingdom? Or does he see us as apathetic and more concerned about the cares of this life than eternity.

I believe he is waking up his remnant at Parkers Creek! I believe he is inspiring a group of overcomers that he is going to do a great work through in these last days! I believe that we are on the verge of God opening the floodgates and pouring out his blessings on us in a way we never thought possible! I hope you won't miss what God is doing!

On Wednesdays, we are studying on the Work of Prayer, and on Sunday's we are studying the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 2 and 3 from this standpoint, "The Lord has something to say to His churches!" I hope you will be there each week. If you missed this week, you can listen to the messages @ under the "listen 2 preaching" section. May God richly bless you and keep you focused on Him this week!


Troy said...

Praise the Lord!! As Bro. Ronnie Owens would say.. I couldn't agree with you more Pastor and one thing that is so great is it's nothing that we have done it is God all the way that is doing the move at PCBC! I have referred to this quote a lot here lately but I love it and so I will say it again, God is more concerned with the Journey than the Destination! I know I am trying to enjoy this journey the Lord has set before me not only at PCBC but throughout every day. If we are saved our Destination is settled and Heaven is our Home but if your not saved you need to accept Christ as your Savior so you can truly enjoy your journey also. The Dickson Union Choir really blessed my heart last night and I can't wait for them to get to come back! I am glad as was said last night that we as children of Christ no matter the color of our skin we can ALL come together and worship the same God!!! This to me is just one of the many attributes that PCBC holds. We are not concerned about the color of your skin or any sins you may think is too horrible God couldn't forgive you, well HE will forgive you and we (PCBC) are there to help you see how much HE (Christ) does love you and will forgive you. He loves us all brown yellow black and white we are ALL precious in HIS sight! Thank you Pastor for your Spirit lead leadership and your stedfastness!!! God Bless!!!!

Nathan Wilkerson said...

Thanks brother for your comments. God is pouring out his Spirit upon us @ PCBC. We need to be good stewards of the manifold grace of God!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at church Sunday night,wish that I could have been.Yes we are seeing the word of God come to life! Especially at Parkers Creek.All that is needed to see the Holy Spirit move is the saints to live in his freedom.We're told in John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free ,ye shall be free indeed.
And if we are free , and we allow the Holy Spirit to move freely in the services,hearts,and minds of the people at Parkers Creek!LOOKOUT! We may have a hard time remaining quiet we may even find ourselves having a shout or two!
I'm looking for his imminent return,and as day after day goes by I see more and more of his word coming to pass. What and exciting time to be alive and serving the Lord!