Eph 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
I never will forget as a 20 year old reading the Christian Classic, Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill. BTW, you can hear sermons of the now deceased Leonard Ravenhill on http://www.sermonaudio.com/ . I never will forget the convicting power of the Holy Spirit as I read the title of one of the chapters, We Wrestle Not. He said that most people who claim Christ as their Savior, in order to be honest, would have to quit reading the verse after the first phrase, because we aren't engaged in the battle.
Whether we like it or not, or realize it or not, when we got saved, we did not become part of a social club. The Christian life is a battleground not a playground! We must always be sober and vigilant, always be instant in season and out, and always aware of what the enemy is doing; or we will get completely blindsided and knocked down, if not out.
Shortly after I surrendered to preach at the age of 15, I was asked to prepare a message to deliver in children's church. I was immediately drawn to this verse and entitled my message, "The Ultimate Wrestlemania." We are involved in the ultimate wrestlemania! Our match is not in a steel cage or square ring; it is in our everyday walk of life. It is not against the Undertaker but the Underworld! It's not against the Rock, but our feet our planted on the Rock! And unlike the WWE, IT'S REAL, AND IT'S FOR KEEPS!
But take heart! On the cross, Christ forever planted His heel on the head of the serpent. He was bruised and beaten for our transgression and iniquity. BUT HE MADE A COMEBACK! On the 3rd day, He arose! When he said it is finished, IT WAS! So, this week, quit fighting and rebuking in order to obtain victory! INSTEAD FIGHT FROM VICTORY! SIMPLY DEFEND THE TERRITORY CHRIST HAS ALREADY WON FOR YOU ON THE CROSS!
- He won our peace on the cross, just rest in Him.
- He defeated sin on the cross, just realize you are crucified with Him, nevertheless you live; and live for Jesus.
- He defeated Satan on the cross, just resist him and watch him flee.
This week, realize that your weapons are not carnal but mighty. You can pull down strongholds! You have already won. JUST STAND!!! GOD BLESS YOU!
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